

Online Examination for Mechanical Quiz Question And Answer

Online Test

1. In a refrigerating machine, heat rejected is __________ heat absorbed

equal to
less than
greater than
Both A & B
2. Segmental chips are formed during machining

mild steel
cast iron
high speed steel
high carbon steel
3. If the diameter of the hole is subject to considerable variation, then for locating in jigs and fixtures, the pressure type of locator used is

conical locator
cylindrical locator
diamond pin locator
vee locator
4. Strain energy is the

energy stored in a body when strained within elastic limits
energy stored in a body when strained upto the breaking of a specimen
maximum strain energy which can be stored in a body
proof resilience per unit volume of a material
5. A vertical column has two moments of inertia (i.e. Ixx and Iyy ). The column will tend to buckle in the direction of the

axis of load
perpendicular to the axis of load
maximum moment of inertia
minimum moment of inertia
6. The neutral axis of the cross-section a beam is that axis at which the bending stress is

7. Euler's formula holds good only for

short columns
long columns
both short and long columns
weak columns
8. Power required to drive a centrifugal pump is directly proportional to __________ of its impeller.

square of diameter
cube of diameter
fourth power of diameter
9. The object of producing draught in a boiler is

to provide an adequate supply of air for the fuel combustion
to exhaust the gases of combustion from the combustion chamber to discharge the gases of combustion to the atmosphere through the chimney
all of the above
10. In a glass tube type water indicator for a boiler, one end of the tube is connected to water space and the other end is connected to

water space also
steam space
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