

TNPSC Recruitment 2014 Group II Combined Civil Service Examination

TNPSC [Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission] was conducted the exam of Combined Civil Services Group-II 2014 Online Applications forms are invited for admission to Written Test for direct recruitment against for the vacancies 2013-2014. Eligible and Interested Candidates can apply online on or before 05 March 2014.

Further detailed information of TNPSC Combined Civil Service Recruitment's 2014 is mention below.

Total Number Of Vacancies: 2269.

Education Qualification:- 
The Candidate should finish Bachelor’s degree approved University. Eligible and Interested Candidates can apply before 05 March 2014.

Age Details:-
Candidates age should be Minimum 18 year To Maximum 30 year for Unreserved Candidate.

Application Fee:-
The Examination Fess Rs.125/- and Application Cost Rs.50/- Total Fees =Examination Fee + Application cost=175/-.Once you registered then you should not need to pay Application cost Rs.50/- after 5 Years. 

Selection Process:-
Eligible Candidates will be selected on the basis of written Examination.

How TO Apply:-
Eligible and Interested Candidates would be required to apply through Online mode from the Official website for Application on or before 05th March 2014. Application should take print out the Application Form for further reference.

Instructions To Apply on Online Application:-
  1. Go to TNPSC Official Website  
  2. Click the Application Form.
  3. Please read carefully before while entering your Details.
  4. Application required need to Upload their Photo 10kb To 50kb And Signature 10kb To 20kb  to apply on online Application form.
  5. After Registration Candidates should note the ID and Password.

Important Dates:-

Start Date of Registration of application
Last Date for Registration of application
Date for an Examination


  1. Online Application  
  2.  Notification Reference 

1 comment:

  1. Sir i have completed my graduation from Delhi university with 59% of marks. please tell me any suitable govt. job. my cell number is - 9837896532
